Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Science- week 1

 Science- Week 1

Children will explore what different items we use daily are made from. For example:

  • Knives and forks can be made from metal.
  • Chairs can be made from wood.
  • Shoes can be made from leather

Each material can be used to make a range of different things; for example, wood can be used to make tables, chairs, spoons, pencils, shoes, doors, floors and many more things.

An object can be made out of different materials used together; for example, a chair can be made from metal and wood and plastic.

Children will explore the properties of materials. Is the material hard or soft, dull or shiny, smooth or rough, waterproof or non-waterproof?

Some materials maybe more suitable than others for particular uses or for manufacturing specific objects; for example, metal shoes wouldn’t be very comfortable and a cardboard door wouldn’t be very strong!


  1. Akeem was learning so much about materials and how to use them

  2. Fantastic! We did a lot of work on Materials before the Christmas holiday.

  3. Soha really enjoyed all the work and the videos
