Sunday 17 January 2021

18/01/21- Art

 18/01/21- Art

Thinking back to 1666 can you remember what life was like?  

I’m thinking about electricity! If you remember in 1666 there was no electricity.  

What did they use for light 

They used candles. They would illuminate the streets with candle street lamps or lanterns.  

Inside the home if people wanted to move from one room to another they would often use something called a chamber stick candle holder. 

I love these. I like the look of them and find them very fascinating.  

Let’s have a go at drawing our very own. I have added in some photos you can look at to create your drawing.  

Looking at a picture and drawing what you can see is called drawing from reference. 

What media will you use to complete your drawing? Will you use only pencil to shade or maybe oil pastels for effect? 

Please email your finished picture to the school email address, we would love to see!